Sandy Point is located in Victoria’s South Gippsland, just over 2 hours drive south-east of Melbourne. It is 15 km from Fish Creek and 27 km from Foster. Coming from Melbourne, use the South Gippsland Highway. You will go through Korumburra and Leongatha and then just after the little township of Meeniyan, you will turn right to Fish Creek. When you arrive at Fish Creek, go through the town and take the right turn towards Wilsons Promontory.
After 2 km there is another right turn signposted to “Sandy Point, Walkerville and Waratah Bay”. After another 12 km, keep going past the turnoff to Waratah Bay. A few kilometres later you will see a sign off to the right to Sandy Point.
You’ll know if you’ve gone too far as you’ll end up on the beach at Shallow Inlet.